Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Cadets Summer

It's about a half hour before the first Cadets show of the season. It is a 'preview' show before the tour actually starts. I'm just chilling by the Cadets merchandise truck taking in all the sights. I'm really excited to get this experience under way. Everyone that I've talked to so far has been helpful. I will write more after the show

When in uniform, the Cadets must always walk in pairs and be in step. Here are some pictures from the show



End of opener

After the show. Still in pairs. Still in step.

I'm still getting my bearings a little bit. I'm waiting to get my bus seat. I believe I'm on the Drum bus. I'm not sure how that will work out. Lots of tapping, drumming, hitting, smacking, etc. But who knows. Maybe it could be fun

I will give you some background on the Cadets program for this year. It is called Between Angels and Demons. It is based around a piece called Angels in the Architecture by Frank Ticheli. It's a great listen by the way.

The show basically plays out how you would figure. Battles between the two sides. A HUGE AMAZING percussion feature complete with battle scene by the hornline. It is going to be a great show by the end of the season.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:E Elbrook Dr,Allendale,United States

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