Got up today. Rehearsed until 2 and Hopkins said that we will quit then because we don't need kids passing out etc. Good call. He gave us an extra hour of basic free time before dinner before the show tonight.
Here's some pics from rehearsal today.
It was so hot today. The peak I heard was 108. And it was consistently hot all day. Above 105 all day. There was a light wind too. And the only way I could describe it was like when you open a hot oven and you get a blast of hot air. Just like that.
During our free time I took a nap. Then we had a 'Hop Talk'. The corps director also doubles as a motivation speaker. He has some life ideals that he preaches to the corps.
He talked mostly about his idea that you control you're attitude. And that you have control on how you react to situations and to basically make a smart decision. No matter what happens always do it with grace and dignity.
I guess that works in theory. But in practice I don't really think it is practical. Even Hop says that he has trouble doing it. And he's been trying for 25 years or so. So I guess I can't grasp it because it takes too much commitment and practice to do it. Idk. I'm sure I will have more on this later.
We got to the show etc. Did everything I was supposed to do. Went and watched the Blue Devils warm up a little bit. Then went and watched the Cadets warm up with an Arizona sunset behind them.
Can't really see much.
The show went well. We won again over the Blue Devils which is a pretty big deal. They have been undefeated the past two seasons. The crowd loved the Cadets. We definitely have a fresh show. And the numbers are showing that. We won 75. Blue Devils got second with 74.5.
Hop was enjoying the show tonight
Now we're on the bus on our way to Los Angeles! Performance and beach day. I'm planning on meeting my moms friend Lori and we are going to go see some sights etc. We'll see. For now I am going to get some shut eye. Goodnight everyone!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:E Ryan Rd,Gilbert,United States
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