Spent the ride to the stadium (45mins) looking the window. Because most people fell asleep.
Got to the show site and went to unload the black panels. I got assigned to move the gold and silver dowel rods that are used in the show when the battle scene happens. I wheeled everything down to the gate with some help from staff etc.
It was truly an Angels and Demons night.
Then it was time for the Cadets to premiere their 2011 show. I helped set up the front of the field and then took my spot on the track to watch the show. Here was my view
The Cadets got 2. Count em. 2! Standing ovations. No one else got 2 standing o's. The energy on the field was electric.
After the show we loaded up everything and took it back to the truck and loaded it up.
They gave us passes to get back in to see the second half.
I got to see the Cavaliers and Blue Devils. Cavaliers show was pretty good. Highlights:
Pretty clean drill
Upside down quad playing
Blue Devils were not all that impressive. Simple drill executed mediocrely. Lots of their props blew over and people left the drill and picked it up and then ran back. Very distracting. Also, looked like an admin or tech person was out there trying to fix their white boxes. Idk. I will see more of them this season. We'll see how it goes, but they did not impress me much.
Scores were not announced. But fan favorites were cavaliers got first. Cadets got second. Not bad. Pretty good. Great potential for the rest of the season
Now I'm on the bus heading toward Austin, Texas. Need sleep. Until tomorrow!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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