Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 8

This morning I was awoken to one of my favorite movie soundtracks. Robin Hood. I ate breakfast and went to the day meeting.

I watched for most of the stretching and stuff. The field that we were at today was very unlike the one we had yesterday. It looked like a field where a college would scout prospective players. Only about 6 or 7 rows of bleachers.

During basics the drum major Ben came over to me and asked if I could get the black panels off of the truck.

I reluctantly obliged.

The field conductor, an alternate marcher, and myself loaded up all 20 of them by ourselves and brought them over.

Now I was semi-happy about this because I was missing visual block, my least favorite part of the day. But it sucked loading everything on.

We had lunch early today because of the show tonight. After lunch was sectionals

The brass arced it up and played through some warm ups and ended with Rocky Point Holiday. A staple in popular Cadets warmups.

Then was a quick ensemble and run through follow by some nachos supplied by the volunteers :)

During breaks I camped out in the shack behind the field. Nice office chair in there. Reminded me of home a little.

Now it's off to the show!

I'm going to have a different post about tonight's show because I think I'm going to have a lot to write about.

Excited for tonight's show!


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Location:Interstate 30 Frontage Rd,Rockwall,United States

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