Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer 2012 part 1

So here is my first summer update! My summer has been going great so far. After the finals week from hell (computer broke, had 7 finals) I started off my summer right by going to see an awesome barbershop quartet called OC Times. They operate out of southern California but the lead singer, Sean Devine, is from Hershey and his parents grew up in Shenandoah and Frackville. They were great and after the show I sang a song with them.

This summer I am living in State College. I am supposed to be working, but I could not find a job. I literally applied to 25 different businesses in the State College area annnnnd nothing. right now I have pretty much given up on the whole finding a job thing. It really sucks. like. really really sucks. But what am I supposed to do? I tried and tried for weeks, and now I'm really discouraged. 

BUT, luckily, I have small projects that I am doing that I am getting paid for. I wrote a marching band show for Tri-Valley High School back home in Schuylkill County. I'm also giving some music lessons in the State College Area. So, I'm not completely just sitting around. I also hang out with friends all the time. 

My friend Ethan, who is in my a cappella group, is living with me for the summer. Ethan is from Alaska (I always make sure everyone knows that, before they start asking embarrassing questions like, what is your favorite tv show. Everyone knows there's no cable in Alaska, duh). He is taking classes and working this summer. This is a picture of Ethan.

So on Memorial Day, I went to see my favorite band ever with my friend Brianna. Dave Matthews Band. I was in the 5th row. It was awesome. We basically stood in line all day in the humidity and sweated our butts off. But it was so worth it. It was one of the coolest things I've ever done.

Brianna caught Dave's pick and gave it to me because she's awesome 

So basically I've been hanging out in State College, writing and playing music. I am slowly getting Ethan to love barbershop music almost as much as I do. He fell in love with this song by OC Times called I Will Go Sailing No More, so we recorded the end of it. Sounds good right?

So the main point of this post is to give an intro to my trip to Linz, Austria to attend the International Tuba Euphonium Conference. We are leaving on Friday evening of this week and getting there on the morning Saturday June 23. We were invited to perform 2 concerts as a part of the conference. It is a huge honor to be an invited performer. My teacher, Velvet Brown, is an internationally renowned tuba soloist and she will be giving a recital of her own as well. It should be a fun time. 

So hopefully I will be posting pictures and stories daily from Austria while I'm there. It might be a few posts everyday or one post for every few days. It's really going to depend on the technology situation over there. I will try my best to keep you updated. Make sure you check my Facebook. That is where I'll be posting to link to my blog, so you know when it's up. 

Check back often!

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