Sunday, June 24, 2012

Austria 2

So now on day 2 in Austria, we are getting the hang of things. We woke up this morning and had a sectional rehearsal. It felt good to have my horn on my face and play a little bit. The euphoniums rehearsal went well and when we were done, we brought our horns back to the hotel for storage because the storage facilities at the Brucknerhaus are not yet available yet because the conference doesn't start until tomorrow. 

I took this picture of the hotel after we got back from our sectional. Something tells me that is says elementary school art hallway. Just something about that awesome carpet.

We got back on the tram/train/subway to get back into the main part of Linz. I'm not really sure what to call it. It probably most resembles a trolley. It goes above and below ground and costs 12.20 euro to ride for a week. So it's pretty cool. 

We walked around and looked and buildings and ate food.We found this amazing cathedral and took a peek inside. It was gorgeous and huge. 

Then we went and got some ice cream and drinks. Clearly we can't take a decent picture...

Brian was very happy with his purchase.

We then decided to go watch the ITEC competition, which was the only conference event today. On our way over to the Brucknerhaus, we stopped underneath the modern art museum next door for a quick photo opportunity.

We heard a few tuba/euphonium quartets and they were quite good. This is also the hall where were will be performing on Tuesday night.

After the quartet concert, we decided that it was time for a walk

and some fun and games.

We also saw a statue of Anton Bruckner, a famous Austria composer. We are playing a piece written by him on our program, so hopefully it will be received. 

It was dinner by then, so we decided to meet up with the tubas whom we left while they were still in the sectional. 

 We ate pizza and watched the Italian National soccer team beat the English soccer team. It was really fun. I felt like a real Austrian.

Some people drove by in a car a little afterword with an Italian flag draped over the passengers back. 

After dinner the plan was to go out for my 21st birthday (AHH!) but those plans were foiled because the subway back to our hotel leaves at midnight and doesn't come back until 4 am. So staying out late might be an impossible task while we are here (which is good and bad) We will get lots of sleep and be up early for the conference activities in the morning, but it means we can't stay out late. 

So now I'm back at the hotel and tired. I'm listening to barbershop and writing blogs at 3 am on my 21st birthday. Best one yet. Cheers. Thanks for the memories Penn State Tuba Euphonium Ensemble. You guys are the best. 

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