I was with the drums for the most part. I really am not a fan of the drum rehearsals. They are just so long and drawn out. And also kind of frustrating because it is SO easy to check out an screw up. And they do the same things over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over... AND OVER and over and over and over .... (get it?) AND OVER AGAIN.
But there was a little upside to today's rehearsal. We were rehearsing in the shadow of Mt. Rainier.
The big white spot in the middle is the mountain.
It was cool. I didn't really get a good picture of it. That picture doesn't really do it justice.
Ensemble seemed to fly by after drum sectionals.
I noticed that the trees here are all coniferous.
And the turf wasn't exactly desirable. It got EVERYWHERE. and it looked like people were growing out of the ground.
On the way to the show, I snapped another picture of Mt. Rainier.
It still doesn't do it justice as to how high I looks in perspective to where you are.
This one is ehh. It's just really far away. Trust me. It's cool. I'll stop trying to convince you.
At the show during intermission they had a little drum crops band playing some tunes on the track. They played mostly newer 'rap' songs. It was pretty good. Nice screaming trumpet.
The show was good tonight. We were definitely better than last night. It seems that the more crowd reactions we get, the better we do. That make sense I guess.
The demons made a particularly awesome entrance. Filling in through a small opening in the back fence acting all demonic like. The crowd went nuts. The demons always get a good crowd reaction because the angels come on, and the crowd is wondering why are we so small. Then the demons come on and they 'get it' Angels and Demons. Everybody goes. Ohhhhhhhhh. And ahhhhhhh.
After the show I was sitting outside the bus and one of the medical staff came over with an entire pizza. Needless to say, I was intrigued. First of all I'd like to give a shout out to all the medical staff and what a great job they do. They job is really a thankless job. Everyone just kind of expects them to do it. And some of them bring me pizza. So thanks DJ for being awesome and giving me some pizza. I hope this continues as the tour progresses.
Now it's a 10-15 minute bus ride back to the housing site, eat, drink, be merry, (for tomorrow we die).... Anyone? Anyone? Dave Matthews Band reference? Ok.
And then sleeping on my almost comfortable Aerobed inflatable mattress until tomorrow comes and this whole things starts over.
Goodnight everyone.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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