Friday, July 1, 2011

Day 21

Well today we kind of better. A little. Last night I bought some sweat pants from the cadets. Very comfortable. So I put them on this morning to go outside in the cold Oregon air, and I walk outside. And it's 75 and sunny without a cloud in sight.


It was hot and nice out all day. Which I was semi-okay with. But I would much rather the cold so I could try out my sweats. But it's ok because I know I will have subzero temps on the bus tonight. So they will get their chance.

As far as today went, it was better. Probably because there were no 4 hour blocks. Thank God.

And tonight is a show night. I feel like that is the pay off for a hard days work. I like to go out in public and have the corps show off all of the hard work they did all day.

Speaking of which, the corps is on FIRE! They have been working so hard the past few days. And they sound amazing. We have been starting to rehearse some boo boos in the show and taking different chunks of the show. It makes it not as monotonous.

Being outside all day is starting to have effects on me.

Today the drum line got their traditional drum shorts in the mail. So they all had them on.

Then we went to the show. We won again tonight. But the competition was not up to our par.

If you look closely you can make out Mt Hood in the distance over the mountain

Now I'm on the bus dancing to some rip roarin' rap music before I go to sleep. GOODNIGHT PORTLAND!

Happy sleeping!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:SW Hall Blvd,Beaverton,United States

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