Thursday, September 2, 2010

I know this is a short post, but I wanted my next post to be all about this weekend and my first Penn State Football Game as a member of the Blue Band! Look for it at the end of this weekend!

Wednesday September 1, 2010

Happy September! I am absolutely swamped with work. It’s an immense amount of things that I have to do. Classes are starting to actually be classes. Blue Band is getting more intense. And practice time is getting more and more valuable. Tomorrow is Thursday. Hard day with a hard schedule. 8 - Sight singing 10 - Science of Sound 11:15 – World Literature Symphonic Band – 1:25 then I can breathe for a few hours before going to Freshman Tuba-Euph Studio Class. Tonight I’m probably going to get myself organized for tomorrow. I hope I survived this whole college thing.

Thursday September 2, 2010

After an extremely busy day I came home at around 7 to chill out and maybe do some theory homework. I was really excited to find an email from my YouTube account. I do multi-track recordings of barbershop tags and some other musical stuff. I recently got a new microphone and recorded a tag called I Love to Sing ‘Em. It’s a standard barbershop tag and it’s pretty boring. So I added a new and improved ending to it. I got a message asking for the music to my new tag. I never even thought about writing it down. So I wrote it out in Sibelius quickly and sent it to him. He wanted his quartet to try it out. I asked him, if it was at all possible, to make a recording of it so I could have it. Who knows, maybe my tag will become famous!! Unlikely. If you want to see some of my videos, click the link!

I’m looking forward to Friday and Saturday this weekend!

Friday I have Football Eve in Beaver Stadium!!!! WHOOOOO!!!!! And Saturday is GAME DAY IN HAPPY VALLEY!!! I will be ON THE FIELD in Beaver Stadium! So Surreal!!

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